Somewhere in society the word "boldness" is wrongly interpreted. Some even think that being bold is going against ethics.....let me correct you here.
Being bold doesn't demand you to do "wrong things" .
Real boldness is speaking up when someone is treated unfair, speaking up for your own, speaking up fearlessly.
Why some people lack boldness ?
They lack because of fear ......"public fear" - of being judged wrongly by people around them or fear of getting trolled.
We don't need to think of people as long as "statement we make is not against moral ethics or it is not stupid or when it doesn't harm anyone". Being bold doesn't signify that you should support wrong things.
Lots of people around me especially girls thinks that "Smoking, drinking, partying" makes them bold....... doing these thing is an individual choice, and it doesn't signify boldness.
Another misinterpretation is wearing western clothes is boldness !!!!! ...................Again No, it is a personal choice, people wear clothes in which they are comfortable, in which they are confident as well as the one which make them feel beautiful.
Boldness even has nothing to do with being introvert/extrovert, rich/poor, silent person/talkative and boldness doesn't mean that you should talk all time, it is in gaining confidence to speak up whenever situation demands us to do.
"Stand up, be bold, be strong. Take the whole responsibility on your own shoulders, and know that you are the creator of your own destiny. All the strength and succor you want is within yourself. Therefore make your own future" - SWAMI VIVEKANANDA
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